Private germline mutations affecting hematopoiesis can cause progressive myelodysplasia and thus constitute pre-leukemic states. These can remain undetected, progressively transform and reveal themselves as infant leukemias, which can be linked to translocations involving the mixed lineage-leukemia (MLL) gene. Septin proteins play key roles in mammalian cell division and cytokinesis and are found as fusion partners of MLL in infant and early childhood acute myeloid leukemia (AML). We identified and describe a human germline disorder of septins in a newborn with myelodysplasia who required early hematopoietic stem cell transplant (HSCT) to prevent progressive disease.

Materials & Methods: A Caucasian newborn male with no birth defects/malformations or suspicious family history presented with severe progressive neutropenia and was found to have bone marrow (BM) dysplasia with tetraploidy of myeloid progenitors. The patient developed unfavorable clonal aberrations (trisomy 7,8,9) and increased tetraploidy. Due to his progressive cytopenias and concern about risk of leukemic transformation, he underwent an allogeneic busulfan-cyclophosphamide/ATG conditioned DQ-mismatched unrelated HSCT at age 1 yo. He is currently 8 years post-HSCT with normal trilineage hematopoiesis (full donor chimerism), no graft versus host disease or any other non-hematological phenotype. To investigate the genetic etiology of this unique phenotype, we performed family trio germline exome/whole genome next-generation sequencing (NGS), and somatic pre-HSCT BM NGS for the index case. An established algorithm filtered for significant candidates following a de novo germline model. Immunohistochemical (IHC) staining of the pre- and post-HSCT BM biopsies for the candidate protein was performed. To validate the germline origin of the candidate mutation, we generated patient and control skin fibroblasts and induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs) that underwent fidelity testing by murine injection teratoma assays and 16-marker immunofluorescence (IF) staining. We then studied hematopoietic progenitor cells (HPCs) derived from iPSC-embryoid bodies (EB) in methylcellulose assays. To further determine the pathogenic nature of the mutation, we generated CRISPR/Cas9 knock-out of the human erythroleukemic cell line (TF-1) and studies these cells by cytomorphology, DNA and cell cycle assays. In-silico protein analysis of the candidate mutation and its effects on septin filament formation was performed.

Results: Family trio and disease-tissue NGS identified a novel, germline C-terminal mutation in SEPT6, which was acquired de novo in the patient, and was not found in any database of common polymorphisms. IHC of pre-HSCT patient BM showed reduced Septin-6 staining in megakaryocyte and granulocyte precursors compared to post-HSCT and controls. Patient-derived iPSCs carried the mutation, were cytogenetically normal and bona-fide pluripotent by IF and teratoma assays. EB-derived HPCs from these cells recapitulated the patient's phenotype as they differentially failed to produce granulocyte vs erythroid colonies (fold-reductions CFU-M:8, CFU-G:36, CFU-GM:46, BFU-E:6, see Figure). Despite multiple approaches, SEPT6 CRISPR/Cas9 knock-out/in of the patient's mutation was not tolerated in iPSCs and human myeloid (granulo-/myelocytic) cell lines (HL-60, Molm-13, K562), and only tolerated in erythroid TF-1 cells. Analysis of SEPT6 knock-out TF-1 single-clone lines revealed a propensity to poly-nuclearity/lobation, as observed in the patient's BM. SEPT6 knock-in of C-terminal mutations caused cell death, consistent with existing literature. In silico protein analysis (incl. previously published crystallographic data) suggests that the mutation a) most likely modulates the key role of the coiled-coil SEPT6 domain in septin filament stabilization/bundling/bending, and thus deleteriously impacts cytokinesis, and b) perturbs the equilibrium of splice variants, possibly conferring tissue specificity.

Conclusions: Mutation of the C-terminus of human SEPT6 causes aberrant cytokinesis in HPCs leading to a severe congenital neutropenia with tetraploidy and progressive myelodysplasia and cytogenetic aberrations. This report implicates a human germline disorder of SEPT6, and further investigations are required to elucidate the role septins in normal and disordered myelopoiesis.


Williams:Bluebird Bio: Research Funding.

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